Imperial Space Defence

This game was developed in my first semester. This was a tower defence game for the Windows 7 phone and was developed in a 3 man team over 10 weeks. 1 programmer, 1 artist and 1 producer was in the team.

- Developed using XNA andC#.
- Dveloped using the Waterfall methodology,
- Set on an alien planet in the future.
- A tower defence game,
- Hexagons rather than the traditional squares used.
- In game currency.
- 15 waves, every 5 wave conquers an enemy zone.
- 3 types of towers. Machine gun, Sniper and Flamethrower tower.
- Towers can be upgraded.
- The environment can affect the creep. Water slows for example.
- Enemy engineers can interact with the terrain opening new enemy paths.

You can see some images of the game being played below:

On this project I was the only programmer so I handled all the coding of it. Here is some basic information on which algorithms were used but everything that is seen was programmed by myself. 
- The pathfinding was done using A*.
- The tower animations and enemies were done using spritesheets.
- Determining who is shot by a tower is handled by using the euclidean distance formula.