This game was developed for Protoplay and was built in a team of 15 students. 6 Programmers, 6 artists, 1 producer, 1 designer and a sound engineer. The details about the game are as follows.

- Developed on Unity.
- Dveloped using the Agile methodology,
- Set in World War 2, rural France and London.
- A top down character shooter,
- Loads of tanks for enemy and player use.
- Local Cooperative.

You can see some footage of the game being played below:

My role on this project was primarily AI. I created all the pathfinding, navmesh and movement related code for this whole project. Here is some details about what kind o wrk I done over the 10 week period:

- A navmesh of 60000 nodes in size was created and mapped onto the terrain.
- An A* search mixed with raycasting was used for pathfinding.
- Created and balanced the final boss of the game.
- Created the bomber planes flying around London.
- The camera effects and level change,
- The suicide bombers who attacks you when you were on foot.